Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Embarrassingly Bad Album Covers – Secular Music Edition

I did a post similar to this on my original blog several months ago, but that was an all-Christian-music edition. This is its counterpart, albeit a bit time-delayed. I hope you'll get as much of a kick out of these as you did the other ones – if you don't remember them, click here to refresh your memory. Enjoy!  ~  JH

It's a bird...it's a plane...it's another disillusioned dude
who thinks he looks and sounds likes Elvis. "Reborn", no less.

Stop staring at me like that, manwoman. 
You're making me very uncomfortable!

Will the real dummy please stand up?

That is, hands-down, the ugliest dummy I've ever seen.
The one on the left in the red pants is pretty hideous, too.

I've seen "E.T." That's not what he looks like. Not
even close. That guy'd have given Elliott a heart attack.

What exactly prompted this guy to call himself "Little"? Not 
trying to be rude, just curious. Okay, I AM trying to be rude.

This one kind of speaks for itself, doesn't it?

Well, they're spectacularly large, that's for sure. Other than
that, they're not so impressive. I give 'em a B minus.

Lady, you're on the wrong side of 40 and dressed like a
babydoll. And your accessory dogs are equally ridiculous.
It's time to cash that check. The reality check, that is.

There's something Henki going on here...

This is taking the whole "glam rock" phenomenon 
in an entirely wrong direction. No...just, no.

Don't look now, kindly oldster, but there's an angry Smurf
peering over your shoulder. And apparently, Papa Smurf approves!

Hangin' with my homegirls. Kickin' it. Just a typical Tuesday.

I called Eric Van Camp to ask him about this album cover. 
A strangely familiar-sounding voice replied, "He is not here."

Somebody spent too much time in the costume department.
Or too little time, perhaps, in her case.

You can have a feelin', Cody. I don't want it back afterwards.

"The White Knight Of Soul"? 
More like the "Baron Of Bouffants."

Dip 'em in yellow snow and you'll have the perfect snack.

Cheerio, old chap! Fancy a cheeseburger? No???

For some guys, this is the ideal woman. 
Barefoot, scantily clad, and toting her own fish.

Why, yes, they are!

I don't know if she's trying to seduce me, psychoanalyze 
me, or just creep me out. If it's the latter, it's working.

Mozart and belly dancing. It's like peanut butter and jelly.

No one sings sad songs like Sam Sacks. Sing it again, Sam!

Did she shave her legs for this? No, she didn't. 
And not for quite some time, apparently.

When you're ready, come and get it. (Ick!)

My eyes, Tubby Boots, my eyes! I'm not sure anyone
is "mature-minded" enough to be able to handle this!

Lunch lady by day, party dance fiend by night! You go, Mrs. Mills!

Ah, the Singing Midget. This should be a short album...

Mr. Banjo would like you to come over and sit on his knee
while he plays "Dueling Banjos." Please RSVP ASAP!

He's here! Ok...seriously...can he leave now?

"Zip...Zap...Rap." I think that about sums it up.

This is just weird on so many levels.


As if a topless Tubby Boots wasn't sufficient to turn your stomach...

Oh my, it just gets worse and worse...and worse!

Cancer Cancer Cancer

This just goes to prove that even the great ones have their off days.

Well, what else were they going to do with that
truckload of sour cream they ordered?

This is the stuff of nightmares. You're welcome.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Perfect Paradigms Of Poor Parenting

We need to have a little talk about portion sizes.
And...when to know one's stroller days are over.

Leave me alone, people! I'm trying to smother my child here!

No. Just...no!

Developing a little early there, aren't ya, missy?

Wait right there. I'll be back in a minute. An hour maximum.

Hot potato, hot potato!

Spelling lessons...you're doing it wrong.

This is how Miley Cyrus got started. Except Billy Ray 
was the one taking the photos then. Oh, snap!

No comment.

You touch it first, sweetie, to see if it's turned on. Okay, good.

Facial reconstruction surgery...you're doing it right, actually.

Don't worry, baby, you'll be back in just a minute.

Ketchup is good. Too good to waste.
Especially when licked right off someone's face.

We're gonna need a bigger cart.

Okay, now hit that little red safety button, and you're good to go!

No, you don't eat it, silly! It's not a lollipop!

You have to admit – there's a certain logic to this. Sort of.

No worries. The kid's hotblooded. Check it and see.

Hey, it worked in Gremlins...

Gotta face your fears sometime, kiddo! Now's as good a time as any.

"Just one sip, Mama. I won't throw up. Honest!"

See...what had happened was...

Pretty sure that's a suffocation hazard. Gotta love Walmart people!

Starting a little young, aren't ya, fella?

Yikes, a spider! That could've really hurt you, sweetie!

This is ridiculous! Where's she going
to put all her groceries now?

You had to be there. It made so much more sense at the time.

Puff, puff, pass...

I see Paris, I see France, I see poopy underpants.

Fetal alcohol syndrome...you're doing it right.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Halfway Hilarious Historical Ads

Three things all toys should include:
Music, Rocking, and Donkeys!

Hands down, the creepiest toy
I've ever seen. "Magic Skin
Fingers" that can "do almost
anything that human hands can
do"? That makes my skin crawl!

I wasn't allowed to make "pumperoos" when I was a kid.
I was told "nice kids don't make pumperoos." Tragedy!

What a terribly unfortunate name for a toy gun!
Apparently, it "shoots true as your aim."  #smh

"Five Inches Of Danger"? I'm shaking in my tiny boots!

I sent off for this and all I received was an empty box.  At least I 
think it was an empty box. Maybe I should go check it again.

"Come On...Punch-Me!" There are some people that I wish 
would actually ask me to do that. I'd be happy to oblige.

Yesterday's toys are today's child pornography.

Speaking of which...this Breyers ad is in extremely poor taste.

"Get rid of unwanted babies fast"? What? I'm sorry, what?

"Group Action Joe"?  I don't even want to know.

"Papa says it won't hurt me."

"Accidental discharge impossible."

"An Iver Johnson revolver can lie around the house.
The Iver Johnson safety device makes it safe even for children."

I'd like to tell you that this manufacturer went out of 
business within a matter of a few years. But in actuality,
they lasted more than a hundred years before finally folding.

One word: WOW!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Bizarre Quotes By Notable People Named Kim

"That's my chicken. 
That's my chicken. 
Give me the chicken!"  
~  Kim Richards, actress

"I think if I'm 40 and I don't have 
any kids and I'm not married, 
I would have a baby artificially 
inseminated. I would feel like
Mary – like Jesus is my baby."
~  Kim Kardashian, celebrity

"I'm a black woman trapped
in a white woman's body."
~  Kim Zolciak, celebrity

"I haven't had sex in eight
months. To be honest, I
now prefer to go bowling."
~  Lil' Kim, rapper

"I don't take myself seriously any
more. Sometimes I just garden in 
my knickers and platform shoes."
~  Kim Wilde, singer

"Alec and I are looking for a farm, 
because I have a cow named Henry."
~  Kim Basinger, actress

"I have been foiled by a man in a dress."
~  Kim Possible, teenage superhero